Board of Directors
We are supported by five board members, with a diverse range of backgrounds, including human resources, business management, accounting, and two of the longest serving music therapists in the Republic of Ireland.

Prof Hilary Moss
Hilary Moss is Senior Lecturer and Course Director of the MA in Music Therapy at University of Limerick. She has a PhD from Trinity College Dublin School of medicine and an MBA in health service management. She is a musician and music therapist with 25 years experience working in the UK and Ireland. Formerly Director of the National Centre for Arts and Health, Dublin, she now leads arts and health research at UL, being chair of the Arts and Health Research Network. She is author of the publication Music and creativity in hospitals: Does music matter?

Rebecca O' Connor
Rebecca qualified as a nurse before training as a music therapist and has 30 years music therapy experience in health and education. Rebecca was lead music therapist at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London. She established the music therapy service at the National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dublin in 2008 working with children and adults who have had an acquired brain injury or spinal cord injury. Rebecca was a course tutor on the M.A. in music therapy training at University of Roehampton, London and is currently a senior lecturer on a number of therapy training courses in the UK and Ireland. She has a specific interest in music therapy research, has a Masters in research methodologies and is a qualified Neurologic Music Therapist. Rebecca was the Chairperson of the Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists (IACAT) 2012 -2014 and has published and presented at National and International conferences on her work.

Kevin Fahy
Kevin studied Science & Technology at NUI Galway and has also completed studies in Operations management and Marketing. Kevin had held numerous roles with Medtronic Galway in a career spanning 16 years (2002 – 2019). In his time with Medtronic Kevin gained experience in people management, training & development, change management, project management, and problem solving (Lean Sigma). Kevin parted with Medtronic as Senior Logistics and Distribution Supervisor in 2019 having decided after a battle with cancer to pursue a long-held goal of starting his own business. He is currently working on several micro projects while preparing post pandemic business plans.

Emma Martyn
Emma Martyn is a trainee chartered accountant. She was classically trained in the violin under the Suzuki method, which she studied with Athenry Music School. She was heavily involved with the orchestra and orchestra camps during her time with the music school. She studied commerce and French in NUIG, specialising in accounting, before beginning her chartered accountant training contract in 2017.

David Morris
David Morris is a HR leader at Medtronic with over sixteen years of experience in the areas of rewards, projects and change management.